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AI Admission Assistant that answers questions

and engages with 100% of potential students

AI Admission Assistant that engages with 100% of potential students

1) Prospective students need a 1:1 touch to help them along their journey and answer their questions.


2) Human Admission Reps can focus on what they do best: connecting with prequalified prospective applicants.

iZetta AI Assistant saves time for human admission

Reps by handling busywork and repetitive tasks.

1) Automates 1:1 conversations with all applicants in a database, nurturing prospective students until they are ready to speak with human admission representatives.

2) Communicates with each applicant through personalized dialogue across webchat, email, and SMS.

iZetta Assistants
Chat-bots or predefined marketing sequences
Ability to act autonomously
Trained to have regular conversations and clever enough to handle non-standard questions
Requires humans to answer questions and deal with out-of-the-ordinary inquiries
Conversational Ability
A two-way conversation that assists applicants in driving the desired outcome
Reacts to inquiries with a predefined response and does not continue the conversation afterward
Uses what it knows about people's interests and actions to have meaningful conversations
Segmentation & personalization is limited by the capacity to create predefined conversations from scratch

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